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This is the documentation for IAHLT Arabic NER corpus and models.


Schema and entity types

The corpus was annotated by IAHLT team. It contains 40,000 samples annotated with BILOU scheme as follows:
B- - the first token of a multi-token entity
I- - an inner token of a multi-token entity
L- - the last token of a multi-token entity
U- - a single-token entity (unit entity)
O - a non-entity token

And the following entity types:
ANG - Any named language (Hebrew, Arabic, English, French, etc.)
DUC - A branded product, objects, vehicles, medicines, foods, etc. (Apple, BMW, Coca-Cola, etc.)
EVE - Any named event (Olympics, World Cup, etc.)
FAC - Any named facility, building, airport, etc. (Eiffel Tower, Ben Gurion Airport, etc.)
GPE - Geo-political entity, nation states, counties, cities, etc.
INFORMAL - Informal language (slang)
LOC - Non-GPE locations, geographical regions, mountain ranges, bodies of water, etc.
ORG - Companies, agencies, institutions, political parties, etc.
PER - People, including fictional.
TIMEX - Time expression, absolute or relative dates or periods.
TTL - Any named title, position, profession, etc. (President, Prime Minister, etc.)
WOA - Any named work of art (books, movies, songs, etc.)
MISC - Miscellaneous entities, that do not belong to the previous categories


entity_tag count
O 1419405
PER 68167
ORG 61642
GPE 56185
TIMEX 27759
MISC 22461
TTL 21765
LOC 13905
FAC 13658
WOA 9353
EVE 8427
DUC 5368
ANG 1964

The corpus is available in the following formats:

  • Corpus - the original corpus
  • Folds - the corpus split into 4 folds for cross-validation


Each sample contains the following fields:

  • id - the sample id
  • tokens - the list of tokens
  • ner_tags - the encoded list of NER tags in BILOU scheme
  • raw_tags - the list of NER tags in BILOU scheme

Dataset loading

Need to install the datasets library:

pip install datasets
and login to the HuggingFace API using the given token:

huggingface-cli login # insert your token when prompted

Then you can load the corpus as follows:

from datasets import load_dataset

dataset = load_dataset("iahlt/arabic_ner_mafat", split="train") # it has all the data in one split
for sample in dataset:
from datasets import load_dataset

folds_dataset = {}

for fold in ["fold_1", "fold_2", "fold_3", "fold_4"]:
    folds_dataset[fold] = load_dataset("iahlt/arabic_ner_mafat_folds", fold)